en-us-Matsudaira Harusato 松平不昧

Matsudaira Harusato Fumai
From the middle to the late Edo period Fumai was the seventh generation of the Matsue Clan. One of the first ancestors of the tea ceremony and famous as a representative of the Edo period. At that time the Matsue Clan had a financial failure, and it was rumored "the roar will probably die", due to the crisis, with members of the Clan under the leadership of the new government reform Fumai tried to financially promote all flood control of the area wih the the development of new rice fields, in terms to produce special products with high commercial value such as iron, paper, ginseng. By promoting local industries to produce new goods, he managed to make finances slightly better. After that, however, the financial situation deteriorated again as all the finances were dispersed and used for the collection of cheap and expensive tea utensils, also known to the tea people. Matsudaira himself began to reform again, but he died at the age of 68, retiring without improving his finances. The tomb and the remains are at the Gesshoji Temple is the resting place of the Matsudaira family togheter with the feudal lords of Matsue.

",Seeing the Noble white Fuji with the appearance of cherry trees above clouds of Hara "
松平不昧matsudairafumai 公ōyake 撰sen 一閑張ikkanbari 茶碗chawan 冨士fuji
, The Mountain and the Clouds in the complete solitude of Mount Fuji
Lacquered "Mount Fuji" black tea cup "The appearance of Shirotae of Fuji is noble looked of the mountain above the clouds Hara" Matsudaira fumai (standing Han Hakogaki)
Derived from the Greek word "hara" meaning joy or pleasure, abouve clouds of Hara can be used to describe literally a "little pleasure". As such feeling equivalent to experiencing a little pleasures in life, as you lay down on the grass and watch the clouds on a spring afternoon.
The tea bowl picture has been decorated with lacquered papier-mache. This work, such as if the sacred Fuji has been incorporated reflects that seen in the closed of sankin-kōtai
Matsudaira Fumai selected this tea bowl called above Mt. Fuji. Kanji 一閑張 shows how to make this tea bowl., the used technique used, a Sort of lacquered papier-mache
Wooden box display 冨士
- (n) warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period); samurai
- A man in attendance (on a person of high standing); retainer
- Eventually means 冨士一~ Fujikazu ~
"冨" wisteria wealth. "士" is samurai. "一" is one.
shirotae white
Fuji template; model , pattern customary procedure
山yama のわnowa とto The Quit Peace of Mountain Hill
見えてmiete 気高きkedakaki
in front of the summit view / Seeing and Noble white Fuji view ..
雲の上kumonōe 哉 Above the Clouds
Sankin-kōtai (参勤交代 "alternate attendance") was a policy of the Tokugawa shogunate during most of the Edo period of Japanese history.[1] The purpose was to strengthen central control over the daimyōs (major feudal lords). It required feudal lords, daimyō, to alternate living for a year in their domain and in Edo, the capital.

折紙 - くろ一閑張冨士絵茶碗 - 朱漆花押箱書共 - 松平不昧公 - 右真物に - 相違なき者也 - 己卯弥生 - 平木清光 Black 一閑張 tea bowl with Mt. Fuji Both the red signature and the writing on the box was written by Fumai Matsudaira That's genuine. 1939 March Seikou Hiraki 己卯 shows a year. Seikou Hiraki was a Japanese artist, from 1881 to 1973. Then the year is 1939. 弥生 is March. This letter is a guarantee by expert, Seikou Hiraki.
Besides all the kami and youkai, there have been some famous humans too: the seventh lord of Matsue, Matsudaira Harusato, a.k.a. Matsudaira Fumai (1751-1818). He's frequently referred to by his artistic name with an honorfic noting his status: "Fumai-ko" The Matsudaira clan was not the first to rule Matsue, but they did have the longest succession of leaders during the relatively peaceful Edo period (1603-1868). Fumai is known of course as the ruling lord for 39 years, but also well known as a tea master-so much so a master, in fact, that his created the Fumai-ryu tea ceremony style. He was well known for collecting tea ceremony objects, and he designed the Meimei-an Tea house northeast of Matsue Cast. When he took office, rumors were spreading about the Matsudaira clan soon losing power because of their terrible financial situation. He therefore enforced several strict budgetary measures and had the region focus on raising and using local products, such as ginseng and cotton. He encouraged thriftiness among the common people, and is credited with introducing Bote-Bote Cha to the local diet to make the most of limited food resources. Rustic peasant cuisine turned local speciality: azuki beans, mushrooms, tofu, rice, and any other seasonal bits of food boiled in a frothy tea. Add flowers if desired! I like the idea, but I can't say I'd enjoy eating this everyday... or ever again. Fumai's measures turned out to be very successful, and the Matsudaira treasury was built back up. However, he was a hobbyist-and tea can be an expensive hobby. The amassed fortunes didn't wind up lasting long because he dipped into the treasury to splurge on old tea tools. But we still get to enjoy those tools today! Fumairyu, the local style started by Fumai-ko. That had a lot of wabisabi influence (this is a rustic Japanese aesthetic that appreciates)

一閑張冨士絵黒茶碗 『しろたえの不二のすがたは山のわと 見えて気高き雲の上哉』 松平不昧(在判・箱書) 二重箱 仕覆 鑑定書(平木清光) 「落款花押大辞典」コピー 本物保証 送料無料 品名 一閑張冨士絵黒茶碗 作者 銘 しろたえの不二のすがたは山のわと 見えて気高き雲の上哉 付属品 松平不昧(在判・箱書) 二重箱 仕覆 鑑定書(平木清光) 「落款花押大辞典」コピー 備考 【本物保証】高台古い漆剥がれ有箱ヤケ 箱シミ 見所 宝暦元年(1751)、生まれ。出雲松江藩六代藩主松平宗衍の子。家老に朝日丹波郷保を起用し、緊迫した松江藩の財政再建策を進めさせた。また石州流の茶の湯を修め、財政の立て直しによる余力をもって名物茶器の蒐集をされた出雲松江藩の第7代藩主・松平不昧公。一閑張で黒楽を模した茶碗に富士の絵が施されている抹茶茶碗です。参勤交代の途次に見た霊峰富士が映し込まれたかのような本作は、一閑張であることと(落としても破損しにくい)、馬上盃状に高めの高台にしてある(片手でも持ちやすい)ことから、携帯用の旅茶碗を想定して制作されたものかもしれません。制作は松平不昧公の知遇を受けた松枝不入であると思われます。箱蓋裏「しろたえの不二のすがたは山のわと 見えて気高き雲の上哉」
Gesshoji Temple is the resting place of the Matsudaira family, the feudal lords of Matsue. Stepping inside the grounds, you will feel the calm and peaceful atmosphere, where there are many relics and artifacts such as a campanile, a Chinese-style gate, and a tea room that was used by a master of Japanese tea ceremony Matsudaira Fumaiko. When you have chance to visit the temple, There is no need to worry about the traditional manners ; take time and please yourself seeing beautiful garden over Japanese matcha green tea. As you go onto the main building, you will see a huge sculpture of a turtle with a very tall stone monument on his back. If you are familiar with Lafcadio Hearn, an English writer who lived in Matsue, you might know the story of this huge turtle.
Furthermore, the temple prides itself on having a variety of flowers bloom year round inside the peaceful grounds, Especially in mid-July, said to be the best time to see the hydrangeas in full bloom. In recent years, many tourists have come to visit the "Hydrangea temple of the San'in Region and many tourists have come to visit for the anniversary of the great seventh lord of the Edo period, of the Matsue Sakai family, who is the seventh lord of the Matsue family, imagine yourself walking along the river bed enjoying a drink while watching the moon and a beautiful garden. On 7 February 2018 I did not have the original framed stamp commemorating 200 years after the death of the 7th lord of Matsue , Fumai Matsudaira, born in 1751 and died in 1818 Known for his love for Chanoyu (the ceremony some tea)

Matsue Castle is a feudal castle in Matsue in Shimane prefecture, Japan. Nicknamed the "black castle" or "plover castle", it is one of the few remaining medieval castles in Japan - at least of the few remaining in their original wooden form, and not a modern reconstruction in concreteThe construction of Matsue Castle began in 1607 and finished in 1611, under the local lord Horio Yoshiharu. In 1638, the fief and castle passed to the Matsudaira clan, a junior branch of the ruling Tokugawa clanMost Japanese castles have been damaged or destroyed by war, earthquakes, or other causes. Since a large part of their construction was wooden, fire was a major hazard. Matsue castle was built after the last great war of feudal Japan, so it never saw a battle. Yet only some of the walls and the keep exist today.
When you have chance to visit the temple, There is no need to worry about the traditional manners ; take time and please yourself seeing beautiful garden over Japanese matcha green tea. As you go onto the main building, you will see a huge sculpture of a turtle with a very tall stone monument on his back. If you are familiar with an English writer who lived in Matsue, you might know the story of this huge turtle.
Gesshoji Temple is the resting place of the Matsudaira family, the feudal lords of Matsue. Stepping inside the grounds, you will feel the calm and peaceful atmosphere, where there are many relics and artifacts such as a campanile, a Chinese-style gate, and a tea room that was used by a master of Japanese tea ceremony Matsudaira Fumaiko. When you have chance to visit the temple, There is no need to worry about the traditional manners ; take time and please yourself seeing beautiful garden over Japanese matcha green tea. As you go onto the main building, you will see a huge sculpture of a turtle with a very tall stone monument on his back. If you are familiar with Lafcadio Hearn, an English writer who lived in Matsue, you might know the story of this huge turtle.
Furthermore, the temple prides itself on having a variety of flowers bloom year round inside the peaceful grounds, Especially in mid-July, said to be the best time to see the hydrangeas in full bloom. In recent years, many tourists have come to visit the "Hydrangea temple of the San'in Region and many tourists have come to visit for the anniversary of the great seventh lord of the Edo period, of the Matsue Sakai family, who is the seventh lord of the Matsue family, imagine yourself walking along the river bed enjoying a drink while watching the moon and a beautiful garden. On 7 February 2018 I did not have the original framed stamp commemorating 200 years after the death of the 7th lord of Matsue , Fumai Matsudaira, born in 1751 and died in 1818 Known for his love for Chanoyu (the ceremony some tea)

Fumaiko's tearoom
The hermitage of Meimei
The tea room of the ancient hermitage of Meimei was built by Fumaiko, nickname of the daimyo Harusato Matsudaira, a famous tea master, in the residence of the Arisawa family, in the then feud of Matsue. The tea room played a central role in the hermitage.
Once the hall was dismantled and rebuilt in the Tokyo residence of the Matsudaira family, but then it was decided to return it to the Izumo prefecture; it was later rebuilt, in 1928, in the hermitage of Kanden, near the Kogetsu-tei, in Haginodai. In 1966, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Fumaiko's retreat, the hall was moved to Sekizan, in Shiominawate, where it is still today. From this position you can enjoy the view of the tower of the castle of Matsue.
The building has a sloping thatched roof, and at the entrance hangs an image bearing the inscription "Meimei-an", with Fumaiko's calligraphy. Inside the tea room one can perceive the taste of Fumaiko, captured in the style with which it was furnished.
From Meimei-an you can also admire the garden while enjoying the maccha (ceremony green tea). Since the Matsue area is prominent in Japan for its tea culture and for the netsuke (small finely carved objects that were placed on the clothes), it is said that it was Fumaiko who propagated these customs. The hermitage of Meimei is a representative place of Matsue.
Access / opening hours
From "JR Matsue" station take the bus, and get off at the Shiominawate stop; from there it takes 4 minutes on foot. With the Ichibata bus get off at Kitahoricho, then walk for 2 minutes. The opening time changes according to the period. Between April and September it is from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm (last entry at 6.10 pm), the time of the tea ceremony is from 9.50 am to 5.00 pm (last entry at 4.30 pm). Between October and March the time is from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm (last entry at 4.40 pm), the time of the tea ceremony is from 9.50 am to 4.30 pm (last entry 16.00). The price of the visit is 410 yen, and it is equivalent to participating in the tea ceremony.