Karamomo Natsume

What we are going to ship is a Karamono wood carving medium Natsume.Comes with Sokei Hisada calligraphy inspection. As this work is attributed to a Fumai era, the seventh lord of Matsue called Matsudaira Harusato Aka fumai, as fumai-ko means fumai school.The paper written certified that the calligraphy etc comes from that period.
And yes, SOKEI HISADA (1742-1785) was the one married with KIKU SEN.
Hisada family and had a strong connection with Senke.
So today when we say hurasenke & omotesanke school now u know
In Japan, objects from outside of Japan are called Karamono, In Chanoyu, specifically in what me and u are involved highly prized tea containers are said to come from Asia, and likewise are called Kara-mono, 唐物, Kara-thing. Kara is the Japanese name for the Tang, 唐, dynasty in China. In general, the word kara refers to China and foreign. Kara, 韓, is also the name for an ancient kingdom in southern Korea. kara 'foreign,' means 'foreign' & refers to the Sanskrit language, but Kara also has more than sixty meanings. Even i won't explain in details kara-mono in Japan is endless. Wa-mono, 和物, Harmony-thing, and Kara-mono, 唐物, Tang-thing. In the Japanese language, the Kanji for the word wa, 和, in wa-mono, refers to Japan, so that Wa-mono, means a Japanese thing. The meaning of the word wa is harmony, but has become synonymous with 'Japan'. A chaire , a tea container is originated in China, and that tea seeds were brought from China to Japan in a small ceramic jar by the Japanese Buddhist priest, Ei-sai Zen-ji, 栄西禅師, Eisai also introduced Chan, 禅, Meditation, Buddhism to Japan, where it is called Zen.