AOKI (青木ヶ原)
Aokigahara (青木ヶ原), also known as the Sea of Trees (樹海 Jukai), is a forest at the feet of Mount Fuji hardened by lava laid down from the last Mount Fuji eruption. Is a popular destination cause it provide visitors with a sense of solitude. I created this page to exorcise the dogmas or perhaps the depth that the forest & its trees enclose. We often find ourselves having wooden objects, fetishes, amulets, votive statues. I believe that each one contains something to tell. The forest has a historical reputation as a home to yūrei: ghosts of the dead in Japanese mythology & Aokigahara has become known as a suicide site. This "Sea of silent trees" in winter as in other seasons is a quiet & peaceful pristine forest with a feeling of tranquility that transmits its paradisiacal appearance. This has become sadly known all over the world as the place with the highest number of suicides in the entire globe. Inhabitants living in the areas adjacent to the forest, claim that this cursed place is infested with the spirits of the suicides. Suicides are of the most unthinkable nationality, in a couple of cases also Italian. When I was in Japan I was very surprised that there are also people who help the other Japanese who want it strongly to commit suicide. This activity is strongly fought by organizations and police but it is very difficult as these people contact each other with numbers or encrypted codes and it is very difficult to track them down. The first rule to be followed when visiting the Aokigahara forest is the one that reads: Never abandon the path. With this little gallery i only want to remember to myself to never lose hope & to always find my own way, remembering above all to myself that every object has its own meaning & we must never neglects it. With this section we want to embrace a big part of a "Spirit" or a "Point of view" that with thousand years assumed many different forms, but in each case there has been an attempt to draw from the life experiences, teachings, and so on. I like to think of 360 degrees without dwelling with an individual point of view and I like to think that many forms and practices that have been developed within this planet have also allowed many different types of people to meet their spiritual needs through different methods . I love diversity and I like to think that nature, the forest and the materials from which it derives are the only witnesses of truth and that can hold the true meaning.
Old fragrant wood Weight about 215g box Ancient art (agarwood sandalwood) Japan
This precious item came from an Old Art Buddhist Japanese Temple Dismiss Edo period Is a wood carving with Buddha dainichi kakehotoke 寺院旧蔵品![Size] about 10 × 21,5㎝ this image: about 5,8 × 7,5㎝
[state] Please refer to the state image. There is no big pain- aging , dirt
Votive Buddhist Plaque (kakebotoke) 懸仏
Kakebotoke, literally, "hanging Buddhas," are usually fashioned from a peace of wood carved. When round in metal, bronze or copper they derive from ritual bronze mirrors, and the term also refers to the similarly adorned large mirrors hung in Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines . This is an amazing image of a Buddhist or Shinto deity. When metal are hammered from the rear, but in that case this entire peace of wood have an extreme carving.
Kakebotoke are generally circular votive plaques symbolizing mirrors and adorned with repoussé or cast images most frequently of Buddhist deities, are one of the few forms of Buddhist art unique to Japan. They can be found both at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, where they were frequently presented as offerings to safeguard the prosperity of the compound and to ensure the flourishing of the Buddhist faith. In the Buddhist context they were hung from the eaves above the main entrance to an Image Hall, or above the frieze rail between the outer and inner sanctums of the shrine for the deity that protected the temple compound.
【遅日亭】時代 鍍金 黒塗 木製 大経台 経机 前卓 仏具 仏教美術 横58.8cm 高さ18.5cm 奥行16.5cm wooden Daikyodai Sutra-front desk Buddhist tool
唐木細工 Karaki Hand Craft Table Rosewood (Origin China) Material: shell schrenckii mother-of pearl
【寺院古寺放出品特別委託】中国美術 中国 清朝時代 唐木紫檀螺鈿青貝細工 細密毛彫り四方盆額 中国美術 優品美品唐
From the Qing Dynasty period 清朝 時 also known as the Manchu dynasty founded by the Manciù clan of Aisin Gioro, in Manchuria, then expanded into China proper and in the surrounding territories of inner Asia, thus constituting the Great Qing Empire. Declared later as Jin Dynasty in 1616, it changed its name in 1636 into "Qing" and conquered Beijing in 1644, unifying China during the next forty years, ruling it until 1912. The name "Jin" is not to be confused with the homonymous dynasty of the period between 936 and 946.
Previous owner: 会社名 永世舎(山口美術) Eikanjyo (Yamaguchi Art) 代表者 山口宏亮 President Hiroyasu Yamaguchi Art Internet Auction Division [Eikanjyo] Hyōgo Prefecture (兵庫県, Hyōgo-ken) prefecture of Japan located in the Kansai region on Honshu island.
This is a vintage lacqured wooden stand for flower vase. This type of stand is called "KADAI". Natural stump is used as it is, and coated with high quality lacquer.
This was made about 40-50 years ago.
Mañjuśrī Holding a Long Steemed Lotus
Buddhist Kannon Guannyin Bosatsu
唐木細工 Karaki 寺院古寺放出品特別委託】中国美術 中国 清朝時代 唐木紫檀螺鈿青貝細工 細密毛彫り四方盆額 中国美術 優品美品唐
唐木細工 Karaki Hand Craft Table Rosewood (Origin China) Material: shell schrenckii mother-of pearl From the Qing Dynasty period 清朝 時 also known as the Manchu dynasty founded by the Manciù clan of Aisin Gioro, in Manchuria, then expanded into China proper and in the surrounding territories of inner Asia, thus constituting the Great Qing Empire. Declared later as Jin Dynasty in 1616, it changed its name in 1636 into "Qing" and conquered Beijing in 1644, unifying China during the next forty years, ruling it until 1912. The name "Jin" is not to be confused with the homonymous dynasty of the period between 936 and 94
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